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Daymond John "The People's Shark"
" ...with this book, Anik gives you that tested formula, and he speeds up that entire process for you so you don't have to waste money, energy, and most importantly time learning these lessons the hard way.
That's what this book does...
It gives you an entire plan to escape your current life and finally get the one you've always dreamt of...
Here's to changing the world."
- Daymond John "The People's Shark"
Since I got started in 2003...
I've had a lot of success - but even more than that, I've faced A LOT of failure and I mean A LOT. I'm not talking about little things, I'm talking about falling $1.7 Million in DEBT, nearly bleeding to death and even teetering on the edge of becoming an alcoholic during my worst days…
These moments tortured me for years, but today, I'm probably the most grateful for them. Honestly, it's because of these failures that I was able to become the Entrepreneur I am today.
Even more so, these events helped me dissect and firm up exactly what it takes TO become a successful Entrepreneur.
You see, when I faced these horrendous failures, I never accepted it.
I never stayed down...
...I actually bounced back very strong!
I learned from my mistakes, connected all the dots and discovered how to "future-proof" not only MY Entrepreneurial journey, but the journey for ALL #LurnNation students.
So, the HARD Truth is that it has taken me DECADES of trial and error to get to where I am today. However, my goal is to change that for YOU. I want to take my own struggles and turn them into WINS for you...
...and that's where the GOOD NEWS starts for you :) .
Here's what I've done…
I've taken all those years of failure, success, wisdom, knowledge and insight and forged them into a 4-stage process for Entrepreneurial success called - eSCAPE .
This brand new book I've taken two years to write is the result of the lessons that I've mastered through my journey…
...but also by being blessed to have access to some of the TOP Entrepreneurial coaches in the World…
I'm talking about people like...
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Les Brown
- Richard Branson
- Kevin Harrington
- Daymond John
- Grant Cardone
So, here's what it took for me to do the research to write this amazing book…
All of this led to a simple 4-stage process - a process that I've dissected and built into the "eSCAPE Triangle!"
...want to skip the "details" and dive into eSCAPE ASAP?
Just click the big button below and get INSTANT access to eSCAPE - we'll immediately give you instant access to the digital version!
This is one question that's puzzled me for years. It's the reason I ended up doing
years of research and nearly driving myself insane trying to find the answer (which has led to this book)...
The question?
"Why do some Entrepreneurs succeed while others who have access to the same resources, training and economy as them fail over and over again?"
See, after teaching over 250,000 students in well over 55 countries, I have one thing going for me: I've seen it all.
I've literally had students who I felt were not cut out for it, I thought if anyone is going to fail - it'll be them, but guess what? They are now MILLIONAIRES.
Then, there were sharp, smart and go-getter students who I would have bet would be huge successes - guess what? They FAILED. Not just once, but many times.
It literally baffled me.
It didn't make any sense?
So, if they all work hard - shouldn't they all just succeed and become insanely successful Entrepreneurs?
Actually, hunting for the answer is what has led me to an amazing journey that lasted years and is now summarizing into this amazing book: eSCAPE.
After several years of researching, I finally found the answer and the solution.
By the way, when I say I researched, I mean - I REALLY researched. Here are the 3 parties I studied the most in coming up with the 4-Stage eSCAPE Triangle.
- Myself: I documented my own journey, my choices, my wins and my failures. I studied everything about my environment during each of these times...
- My 250,000+ Students: I studied my students meticulously. I interviewed them. I spent hours with them - the ones who succeeded AND the ones who were struggling.
- The Top Entrepreneurs In The World : Some of them I MET pesonally and interviewed, some I just had to research and read their books...
And, so it was this YEARS of collecting data, going through transcripts of interviews and reviewing case study after case study that led me to my 4-Stage eSCAPE Triangle!
What I've discovered over the past few years is that the process of becoming an Entrepreneur and what it requires has been grossly misunderstood for decades.
And here's why:
Most people are out there focusing on their EXTERNAL environment…
- The "secret system" to making money…
- The buttons to click…
- The "perfect" Investor to fund their idea…
- The right timing…
- The best team around them...
So, what they're focusing on are what I call "The TACTICS." Well, no wonder most Entrepreneurs are failing. The truth is that their focus is absolutely on the WRONG thing.
Here's what I've discovered…
Rather than focusing on all the EXTERNAL elements of succeeding as an Entrepreneur, it's time you took a look INSIDE - to who YOU are.
And, today, we've got a simple TRIANGLE that describes the exact stages...
...Introducing you to the " eSCAPE Triangle …"
e mployee...
This is where most people stay for their entire lives. They live their lives only working for the dreams of others. This is the base of the triangle. But, we don't have to be stuck here. -
Stage #1: Self...
This is the next step up the triangle, many DO make it here - this is where the "personal development" industry has been born from. Well, Stage #1 is when we work on some CORE characteristics in ourselves to pave the path to becoming an Entrepreneur... -
Stage #2: Catapult...
Now, for those who make it into this stage, it's time to "ignite" momentum. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your dream life be. So, here, the smartest Entrepreneurs use 5 strategies to inspire rapid momentum! -
Stage #3: Authority & Leadership...
Moving on, there is no way to become an Entrepreneur without conquering AUTHORITY and LEADERSHIP . However, while growing up, we are never taught the characteristics needed. Well, that stops now! -
Stage #4: People...
And now, the final frontier to becoming a radically successful Entrepreneur is also the one that many struggle with the MOST - PEOPLE; the environment all around you. Here, I'll reveal exactly how you can carve the perfect Entrepreneurial environment around you! -
E ntrepreneur...
After conquering these 4 stages, there truly is nothing that can hold you back from succeeding. This is why we see Entrepreneurs who lose it all, yet, spring right back to the top in a matter of days…
This book reveals what I've finally come to realize after more than 15 years as an Entrepreneur. I've struggled through years of pain, heart-ache, losses and even nearly died in my journey.
So, rather than dooming every Entrepreneur in this World to learn their lessons the hard way, I've decided to write this book.
My goal with this book is simple : Deliver a formula that anyone, anywhere in the World can use to finally shape themselves into an Entrepreneur that absolutely just cannot fail.
Here's the breakdown of what's inside:
- Section #1 of This Book (First 8 Short Chapters): First, we dissect exactly what an Entrepreneur really is and just how our society CODES us to fail. We reverse a lot of the misunderstandings in the World about Entrepreneurs…
- Section #2 of This Book (Remaining Short Chapters): Second, we dive right into each of the 4 stages. For each stage, I deliver FIVE specific characteristics that need perfection before you can conquer Entrepreneurship!
- A Powerful & Free "eSCORE Assessment" - You can take an ACTUAL assessment. Learn your current probability of actually succeeding as an Entrepreneur today.
- FULL Report On Where YOU Should Focus: Get a beautiful report on EXACTLY where you need to focus more to see a major improvement in your probability of succeeding!
- Real Case Studies & Stories - These come from myself, my students, my mentors and even the TOP Entrepreneurs around the World. Let me PROVE to you exactly what the path to success looks like…
- And SO Much More!
- See the difference between EARNING a living & CREATING one (Chapter 1)...
- Discover the #1 most important, yet simple lesson any Entrepreneur can learn (Chapter 1)...
- Find out why Entrepreneurship actually has very little to do with running a business and how this misunderstanding is leading many to not live their FULL potential! (Chapter 2)...
- See how to NEVER worry about funding - learn how you can use the resources of your current company to innovate & call your own shots (Chapter 2)...
- Discover how successful Entrepreneurs actually take LESS risk in their life than the rest of the world (Chapter 2)...
- See the EXACT mental process to use to learn more from FAILURE than success (Chapter 3)...
- Uncover how the reasons most Entrepreneurs THINK they fail, actually have nothing to do with their ACTUAL failure → This one misunderstanding is creating a graveyard of Entrepreneurs who could have easily been rescued! (Chapter 3)
- Find out why the one question you SHOULD be asking is the question that most people avoid at all costs (Chapter 4)...
- Discover why we've all been raised to "become employees" and why this is holding MOST people back from success (Chapter 5)...
- I'll prove why I'm convinced that everyone is BORN an Entrepreneur and how you can leverage this in your own life NOW (Chapter 5)...
- Learn why many Entrepreneurs struggle with discipline and responsibility from day one - and how to fix it (Chapter 5)...
- Understand the core differences between the employee and Entrepreneur way of thinking - towards the 5 most important things in our lives... (Chapter 6)...
- Find out why Entrepreneurs have a very different idea of how to use their time and just how it makes a HUGE difference (Chapter 6)...
- See how Entrepreneurs use money as a means to an end, not a resource to just get short-term satisfaction from (Chapter 6)...
- How Employee + no struggle = happy but Entrepreneur + struggle = PROGRESS (Chapter 6)...
- Find out your "eSCORE" by analyzing the four stages of eSCAPE: Self, Catapult, Authority and People (Chapter 7)...
- Discover why "Self" is the foundation of all Entrepreneurial success
(Chapter 8)... - Why all of your behaviors, decisions, beliefs, loves, fears and desires are controlled by an invisible force called your paradigms (Chapter 9)...
- Master how to use a part of your BRAIN called the 'RAS' to help you attract the VERY things you want to in life - through focus, attention, and prioritization (Chapter 10)...
- Discover why and exactly how to invest as much of your free time as you can into fighting for your dreams (Chapter 11)...
- How asking yourself "Why did I just fail?" and "What can I learn from this?" can help you bounce back from failure quickly (Chapter 12)...
- Discover the EXACT habits and attitudes of rich and poor people and how you can "fine-tune" your own life for success (Chapter 13)...
- See how momentum begets momentum, and the absolute best way to get POSITIVE momentum started in YOUR Life (Chapter 14)...
- How most people are PETRIFIED at the idea of failing and why this keeps them from succeeding (Chapter 14)...
- How OPENLY declaring your goals, can help new patterns emerge
(Chapter 15)... - MARK CUBAN - See the "one-sentence advice" he gave me in 2002 that initially angered me, but eventually CHANGED my life! (Chapter 16)...
- Drunk Man at a BAR - Discover the EXACT advice I got from a drunk man at a bar - maybe the BEST business advice ever (Chapter 17)...
- See why the greatest Entrepreneurs fail on a daily basis and why this is a GOOD thing (Chapter 19)...
- Get the 5 key elements to developing Authority & Leadership as an Entrepreneur (Chapter 20)...
- Discover how not having SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY is a very slippery slope that you need to AVOID & JUST how to eSCAPE it (Chapter 21)...
- See the EXACT formula to use to step up when opportunity presents itself (Chapter 22)...
- Learn why you'll NEVER get to the top as a leader if you are constantly blaming everyone else for what's happening around you (Chapter 23)...
- Why successful Entrepreneurs make decisions FAST (Chapter 24)...
- Find out the fundamental difference between what society thinks Entrepreneurs do and what they actually do (Chapter 25)...
- See whether your surroundings are giving you a fighting chance at succeeding as an Entrepreneur (Chapter 26)...
- Discover why the number of people in your life isn't what is important - but the QUALITY of these people is (Chapter 27)...
- PROOF that your network IS your net worth (Chapter 28)...
- See how to manage negative people in your life and business and why the advice the "gurus" give is DEAD WRONG (Chapter 29)...
- Discover why one of the biggest things I've learned in life is the value of getting fast answers (Chapter 30)...
- See what the EXACT two types of mentors are in life and why you need both (Chapter 31)...
- Why you should always be INTENTIONAL on a daily basis, about growing as an Entrepreneur (Chapter 32)...
Case Study #1
Aaron Delezenski came to #LurnNation just over a year ago straight out of the military. He was working a regular job, but full of dreams.
The problem was that he had spent his entire life being an EMPLOYEE - now he was completely lost as to how to transition into becoming an Entrepreneur…
That's where the eSCAPE plan came into effect!
He came to #LurnNation with zero business skills, no plans and absolutely no idea how to move forward. Fast forward to today and guess what?
He's done over $1 Million in online sales and is living the life he always dreamed of…
Case Study #2
Laura Noel came and invested 4 days with me - less than a year ago! We didn't just talk business, we talked business MINDSET .
What happened after that was just amazing.
She had been struggling for months to have a breakthrough. But, just within days of leaving our training together - she started closing $7,000 clients! The best part is that her clients truly NEED her help.
Today - she's retired from her "day job" and scaling her business!
Case Study #3
Here's the story of a SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneur who had just hit a PLATEAU…
Ritoban C. had years of experience and millions of dollars in sales under his belt. But, there came a time when he was just not able to move forward.
He was stalling…
So, Ritoban literally packed up his belongings and physically moved to the United States for an entire 4 months. His main goal was to invest time with Anik Singal to master the eSCAPE stages.
Well, he got just that - he got a complete reboot. Today, he's back to growing feverishly fast - to the tune of 20-30% a month!
Case Study #4
Fred Lam didn't go to college. He didn't have the luxury.
His life had it so that he had to immediately start working to help pay the BILLS.
So, Fred became a dishwasher at a local restaurant. But, this wasn't going to hold him back. Without even knowing it, Fred started to perfect the 4 stages of eSCAPE and before he knew it…
He was launching company after company…
However, even with all that success - he wasn't done yet. In time, as he got his hands on the ACTUAL lessons in this book, his business exploded. Since then, he's launched multiple businesses - all in a wide array of industries!
Case Study #5
Zane literally grew up on the streets of Baghdad, Iraq. He was constantly surrounded by bombs, war and horrible violence. If there was anyone in this World that didn't have what he needed to succeed - it was Zane.
However, he didn't let that stop him. Zane found a way to get to America, excited that he could finally live the " American dream ."
But, the minute he moved, he had an ugly truth awaiting him…
...after years of struggle - fighting the corporate American life - day after day - Zane finally found Lurn and the teachings of Anik Singal.
Well, what happened after that is absolutely amazing…
Case Study #6
Rosalee is one of the sweetest and most energetic women you'll ever meet! But, she was exhausted and worn out. She loved helping people as a nurse, but she missed spending time with her children…
She came to #LurnNation for a solution...
The FIRST thing we did with her was focus on the 4 Stages of Entrepreneurial Success inside eSCAPE. Well, that was it. Within just a few weeks of that, Rosalee was launching eCommerce store after eCommerce store!
Today - she takes 2 month long vacations & lives the way she wants - WITH her kids!
Case Study #7
Sam is such an inspirational story. After becoming a successful engineer, Sam kept dreaming for more - he just didn't feel he was living his potential.
So, he came to #LurnNation…
Sam came with very little knowledge about selling, Entrepreneurship or closing clients - however, he closed his first 5-figure client on the FLIGHT BACK from a #LurnNation event!
The client was so impressed, he asked Sam for more…
Today, Sam has becoming a LEADER in one of Africa's most influential organization - he wines and dines with Presidents and UN Leaders…
Sam is living his dream and making a true difference to LIVES - all because he applied these 4 Entrepreneurial principles…
We've had this book reviewed by our students, by top experts and even the toughest critics in the Entrepreneurship space…
...and the reviews are in. Everyone has absolutely loved this book and agreed that this book is going to truly change lives.
Here's what some of them have had to say…
Zane Baker
"eSCAPe is more than a book, it's an entrepreneur's transformational journey..."
Aaron Delezenski
"I finished reading Anik's new book eSCAPE and I have to say that was truly one of the best books I have ever read..."
Mary Kettner
"It really helped to know the true struggle that Anik has had with his success.The book was very easy to read and personable..."
The truth is that in 2016 - I sat around a round table with my team and we decided what the future of #LurnNation was going to be. I had to decide "WHO" I was and what my mission in the World was going to be.
What did I see?
I saw that my entire life would be devoted to coaching, training and guiding ENTREPRENEURS. I wanted to become the VOICE for Entrepreneurs around the World.
I wanted to give millions hope that they could take control over their own lives…
So, why is this book only $1.99?
...Because that's the EASIEST way to convince someone to give themselves a chance. I want to REMOVE any and all risk. All I want right now is for YOU and I to start a relationship.
I'm confident that once you read this book - you'll allow us to continue training you at a deeper level. I want to help you get your start and see you grow into a successful Entrepreneur.
But, for now, as long as you cover the small fee of $1.99 - this book will be instantly accessible inside your Lurn Nation account .
So, there you go. Nothing but brutal honesty. I'm practically giving away this book because I want to make it easy for you and I to start our relationship. I can't wait to hear your Entrepreneurial success story!
It's our mission here at Lurn to do whatever we can to make YOUR Entrepreneurial Journey as easy as possible. But, you'll have to step forward.
You'll have to take the next step - all we ask is that you cover the tiny amount for this book - show us you're committed to success…
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